Jaxen Perryman
Jaxen Perryman
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Tahoe City, CA
High School: North Tahoe High School
1. Nickname: Jax
2. Person I admire is: Eli Tomac, I've been watching him since I was a little kid. I watched him grow through the ranks and break records. Now, after going through a serious injury, is back and going for more.
3. Why NVC?: Its a great area with lots of golf
4. Greatest sport moment is: Winning Individual States in my senior year of high school
5. My golf motto is: Fore
6. Most memorable round is : Playing Sandpiper GC with my Dad and breaking 80 as a sophomore in high school
7. My go to golf shot is: Butter Cut
8. I like to eat:  Tacos
9. I like to watch: Good Good Golf
10. I listen to: White girl bangers
11. On my bucket list is: Play Cypress Point Club
12. The best advice I have received:  From my Dad, "Don't be stupid."