Lawrence Pepito
Lawrence Pepito
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Ormoc City, Philippines
High School: Saint Paul's School of Ormoc Foundation
1. Nickname: P Diddy
2. Person I admire is: Kobe ~ he showed everybody what it takes to be the greatest through hard work and discipline. With those, you can achieve great things.
3. Why NVC?: I was about to join the military but I really wanted to give college golf a try and luckily Skip has helped me ever since.
4. Greatest sport moment is: Playing in the Pleasanton City Golf Championship, I injured my wrist but I played through it and got in the Top 5. It reminded me to never give up and it showed my mental toughness.
5. My golf motto is: Not finished until its finished
6. Most memorable round is : Playing golf in the Philippines with my grandfather. He taught me how to be patient and how to play the game of golf. Ever since then, I wanted to improve and hopefully have success in this game
7. My go to golf shot is: High Cut
8. I like to eat: Meat and anything with lots of protein
9. I like to watch: Coach Carter
10. I listen to: Hip Hop - Drake
11. On my bucket list is:  go to a good school and be a better person each and every day
12. The best advice I have received: From Coach TK, "Be a killer"